How hard is it to get into waterloo cs reddit. Probably CS/BBA but not by much.

• 10 mo. I am interested in both math and cs and would like to work in a software job in the future. 136 maybe covers 1. No idea what to do. George CS. DD is not less competitive than pure CS or math. If you can go through four years of hell at UW, it means you are smart and hard working and smart hard workers usually become great employees. I’m… I got into Waterloo math without computer science, I didn’t apply to computer science though. SE no CS yes. Banks no, start ups/silicon valley yes (ish). I am trying to choose between UTSC CS and McMaster CS. Applied for CS, got non-coop. you are asking for a hypothetical answer given a hypothetical average. cs 136 is hard in the sense that there is a lot of content covered and there a lot of assignment content that are simply not taught and you are expected to figure out. I originally wanted to go to Waterloo but the $100k and the Schulich Network benefits are making it a hard decision. EC: Dep. Don’t come to Waterloo just for the Waterloo name. If you are new to programming, it'll be tough Western has an internship program but internships are what you make out of them. for the average person, Waterloo Math/CS courses are pretty difficult. Having to take Math147/148/247 is also considered difficult by some people but it's completely manageable. Yes getting into a university is a great accomplishment but at the end of the day you shouldn't sacrifice your high school experiences due to stressing and worrying about whether or not you will get into a certain school. But it’s easier to get into cs/bba from Wlu side than uw cs. And CS 136/146 above 80 will have a great chance to transfer in. One major benefit to non-coop is if you don't get a job, you can just take more classes, or take a winter term off to work if you want. 94-95% is a more realistic estimate. Unlikely: Waterloo eng and Cs, uoft eng and C's, McMaster cs you have a pretty good chance to get into almost all the eng programs apart from uoft/loo/maybe mac. Just wondering how hard it is to get into Waterloo? I'm applying to CS, CE, and Mathematics (3 sep. Admission average requirements were ~3-4% higher than single degree Math and CS counterparts when I applied. If your CS 146/136 grade is highenough, then MAV is also not important. That being said, Waterloo is still immensely easier to get into compared to the top tier of US schools. 27/hr first coop in communitech (remote). CS is probably more equipped to do well on those leetcode questions (which CE has to make up for on their own). Overall, it's not too difficult imo, but can get heavy if you don't manage your time well. I’m in Waterloo honours math and I never took cs in high school. However, I will say this. An MBA degree in Canada has become a running joke; it is dime a dozen, a cashgrab for the schools, and easy to get into. In Waterloo, I will need to pay around $67,000 every year plainly for their tuition. If you're anywhere in the low 80-mid 80's range, with solid math and CS marks, you don't need to worry at all. It's better to have a few things you've done for years than a bunch of stuff you only did for barely a year. ago. If you go to UofT or Waterloo and don’t put in any effort or make any side projects you can’t expect to get a well paying and reputed coop. cs 135 -> cs 136 -> cs 246 and cs 234 However would take longer, is expensive and can be a grind. Imo it ultimately comes down to your time management skills and how you want to use the free time that you get (if any) It is quite hard. also note that math co-op averages are also inflated now, probably 90%, while CS is 93-94% as others have First, to be eligible for transfer, you should meet below criterias: Taking (or have taken) CS 136/146+136L (or equivalent) Meet the minimum admission requirements. If you want to go for data science, you can also do that. And I extremely hate the atmosphere of too nerdy/no social life. A big part of that was my average. Consolidating the next 10 comments you will get: UofT CS if you want to study CS. TL;DR - I’m in CE. I guess we can agree on this: If you are considering a research career in CS than UofT CS seems like the better options. - Have worked 1 internship at Facebook and 1 at google for at least 2 summers. As long as you fill in every part of the AIF, show that you are interested in this program, and . I often wonder whether those that dropped out made the right decision to come to Waterloo. The co-op, connections, network at Waterloo is orders of magnitude stronger. I'm a grade 12 student applying to AFM this year. American Student Here. With a 92 it should be fine at most of them, but ive seen York rejecting people with that avg. Hi! I’m interested in applying to Waterloo and was wondering how hard it is to get in. AP Calc) in your junior year? Additionally, do your test scores matter at all? According to the conversion table, this is a between a 93% and 96% average. 8. I heard that one year, they even turned down people who had a 99 average. U of T and Waterloo both deferred me to alternate majors with these grades. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Social life is better imo compared to being in regular CS because you meet a lot more people by being a part of both universities. I also took CS3FP3 (Third year functional programming. For me, the difference was more like 45k in scholarships at laurier, vs about 5k for waterloo, over the 5 years of the degree. AutoModerator thinks you're asking about admissions. Harder to get into cs/bba from Waterloo side. *English and Econ were a 5 in the last term before apps. Over 50% of MBA classes are now international students. UW Math imo no questions asked. As a whole, Waterloo probably has a pretty high acceptance rate but the CS program specifically is difficult to get into, and it's nearly impossible to change majors/programs from something else to CS. 7 GPA. its usually recommended to apply to the side you are more interested in, for example, if you like cs more, apply to waterloo, more business, apply laurier side. 4. • 1 yr. I have applied to specifically System Designs Engineering, Computing and Financial Management, and CS/BBA. 9+ GPA only make $250k to 300k because they lack soft skills, to put it bluntly. 0. So now I'm planning to go into Western CS then transfer into waterloo in the second year. MS in CS here is called MMath and Unfortuantely your GPA is a main criteria. Shitpost. The AIF is not difficult to write as each part of the AIF has a character limit. Math isnt CS, but you can easily end up in a CS career through math (they do overlap, especially first 2 years). Waterloo CS Alum here. Unlike most schools, Waterloo teaches first-year computer-science (CS 135) in Racket, a functional programming language, as an oppose to an imperative language like C or Python (won't get into the difference between them, but I encourage you to look up the differences between functional and imperative programming). I got 30 an hour for my 4th coop (Canadian one) so i would say it's realistic but for first job any job is a good job. According to CS advisors, CAV is mostly useless unless you fail a course. However if you really want to go through the university of waterloo method. Yes, 30-40% of students accepted to Waterloo CS will eventually drop out. 0) bird courses. r/OntarioUniversities. Admissions. i dont think either school would close any doors for you if ur competent and diligent. You’ll need a high 90 average just for a chance and that’s not going to happen if you’re the type of person to get deferred. In your transcript all your original grades are kept. That said, the tests are a lot harder than anything you'd see in CS 135/136. If the work is mind-numbingly easy, a high average should be attainable. Waterloo Cs has been a dream program for me and I never thought that I would be able to get into thee double degree. My admission average was 94 so I got accepted quite early but I had friends with < 80 averages that made it in, and are now nearly graduated. Usd 48/hr + 2k housing irl big-n. MembersOnline. Waterloo seemed to have a better supplemental app than the other schools I applied to (Queens I am a high school junior from California and I really want to go to Waterloo for CS co-op. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. You will still get a great job with UT CS. Math AA HL - 6. Prime Minister of Student Council, Programming Sub-Team Leader of FIRST Robotics, VP of an Engineering Club, Chief Editor of Coats for Transferring to Waterloo computer science. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Easiest way to get into CS (regular) Apply to CS/BBA double degree based at Laurier (exact same as Waterloo based, just with Laurier coop). If you want to learn CS, go into a CS program. The cutoff last year was around an 80-81% (regular) and around mid 80s (co-op). If you did not get accepted, you can keep Keep in mind you can only apply to one engineering program. Realistically, what are my chances of getting into UWaterloo Software Eng? My Grade 12 avg based on 3 completed grade 12 courses (Adv Functions, Physics, and Comsci) is 98. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. cons: this university sucks, you won’t get a traditional uni experience, friendships are hard to maintain because you move every 4 months, there is a constant pressure (whether or not you choose to succumb to it is up to you) to be grinding side projects & leetcode, most people i We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. got cs and se, no cs ecs other than grade 11 and 12 cs class, scored 20 on ccc senior for more context. Revolutionary_Bug909. Given sufficient time and effort, it's not at all unrealistic to get a 85+ in the Math/CS courses, which translates to a 3. I am confused between UBC CS and laurier/waterloo BBA/CS double degree from the laurier side. I have a 92 admission average and I have over 400 volunteer hours, I was in charge at a soccer…. Do not accept your offer. If you want to apply for cs it will likely decrease your odds. you guys can form teams (doesn't have to 37 votes, 29 comments. • 4 yr. CS average was not as high as mentioned, probably 95-96. I went from. Harder part is doing well in the program itself. strictly speaking, UofT is quite a bit better than waterloo for grad school. I am wondering how hard getting in as an American is. one thing Yes and no, depends on the company. If I get into Waterloo, of course I'll go to Waterloo, but outside of that it's a little complicated: From what I've seen on reddit, a universities co-op program, and by extension what industry experience you have once graduated is by far the most important factor in getting a job as an SE. Waterloo math is next level. You will be surrounded by better, stronger, smarter, more motivated students at Waterloo. carleton cs. I got into the Health Studies program last year with around a high 80s average. 5 times the content of 135 and it only get harder in future term, cs246 prob covers double that of cs136. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. i've done a few hackathons and have a little bit of programming experience (i'm generally passionate about it, not crazy passionate though). I am gonna list a few pros and cons that i have in my mind. nope. Transfer to Waterloo CS. The OUAC system lets you apply to 3 schools for the same price as 1, so use them all! If you have experience with leading clubs or had large involvement and success in extracurriculars, that looks really good for you in your supplemental application. Honors science is pretty decent here, but most people who got accepted likely had lower HS averages than you. CS isn't hard either, just very tedious with assignments. 3 with good research experience and connections with the prof they want to work with will very likely get you in (likely with scholarships too) 4. I hear it's fairly important especially if you have no research experience. 1. transferring from math non co-op to cs co-op is very hard (same with cs non co-op to cs co-op). 4 is probably borderline. Work hard, seek help when you need it. UBC: Pros: Specialization in smth specific in CS Ranking Cons: Dont confirm CS immediately Ive heard its hard to get into the coop program so competitve coop program Laurier/waterloo: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 88%, not sure if it gets rounded up or down. It is much more important to study the right degree program than what school you go to. You are covering two CS courses in one term after all. 55/hr big-n remote cali. If both routes (CS/SE or MGTE) sound good to you, then, sure, apply to both programs and go from there, but absolutely do not pick MGTE if you really want a CS/SE degree but feel that you want to come to Waterloo at all costs. Easier to get accepted than CS (though not by much). but many people change their mind and go into industry instead. You can get tons of jobs without going into grad school with a Math Finance degree. Excellent question. Both get the same interviews. E. The "individual selection from x" doesn't mean you need at least an x to get in; it means you need at least x to be considered. this is because they changed it so it is now difficult to drop from laurier side cs/bba to only cs, but you can do so with the waterloo side. 5%. I think the average for waterloo CS used to be like 96-97, but I'm pretty sure it's come down a bit. It definitely is possible. Reply. Cons: Comparing yourself to others. people used to pick laurier as their home school to slide into waterloo CS, but you probably can't do that any more. So from what I heard, I am a little "afraid" of the life at Waterloo (plz object to this). you can always apply You'll need to grind to make sure you can get your grade 12 courses to an average of at least 95 to be competitive for CS. I already have five 4U grades now, including MHF4U (97), MCV4U (98), ENG4U (91), SPH4U (96), ICS4U (95). For SE you need to proof you have prior coding exp and ECs matter way more but CS is more focused on pure grades. 76 cumulative GPA didn’t get accepted into waterloo engineering. for that loo is much better. here are my specific stats. Note that you could also not implement any of these strategies, and still secure a 3. 3. Honestly a great way to make friends by helping out classmates with the concepts. This specifically applies to CS as so many people want to transfer to CS. So yeah… it boils down to what you prefer to be honest. I had a competitive app but I already knew it was a coinflip for UW CS however getting deferred to Geomatics is absolutely hilarious. CS Waterloo admission average for 2017 was around 97. A subreddit for everything related to Universities in Ontario, Canada. Do Computer Science it's more tangible for hiring managers and you will get you a tone of job opportunities. Megathread. •. Admission at Waterloo is largely stats based so having good numbers helps. Math to CS is very very difficult. It's only a couple of courses away from an actsc or stats degree, and a CS minor. They mostly focus on grade 11/12 marks though unless you took AP/IB in grade 9/10. Don't stress about getting in too much, life is precious enjoy it while you can. If you want a programming career do waterloo. Any school with CS degree >> Waterloo Geomatics. Waterloo math is a great program but you aren’t gonna learn CS. Isnt this the same standard as ivies such as MIT? Honestly, waterloo seems even harder to get into than waterloo, since you can get into UofT with a 95 average I heard. There's a reason that UW is one of employers' favorite universities to hire from because UW is hard to get in and also hard to graduate from. pros: co-op. Find your passion, your industry, your company that you KNOW is perfect for you. sure it's not hard relative to MIT but again that's relative to the most selective school in the world lol. Honestly 95 is still not a guarantee, and it's been getting harder each year, so you might have to aim closer to 97 when you're in grade 12. Hey I'm a CS master student. Waterloo has the best coop for tech in Not hard. 3%, and Grade 11 avg was 98%. Then drop the BBA part after 1A. 2021 Fall Undergraduate CS Admission. Also, any ideas on whether or not it's possible to somehow switch into coop? UBC would offer me $80,000 scholarship over the four years of studies ($20,000 renewable per year). If you want to transfer, you’ll probably need to maintain a 90+ in your math and CS courses for all of first year and prep a resume. Afm is a joke to get into nowadays scandal after scandal. Good luck OP :) It honestly isn't that hard. i have a lot of close family friends who went this pathway, working at fang now. 你好 everybody! this is my guide on how to get into cs co-op at waterloo. So I applied for Computer Science Coop but instead got alternate to the non-coop regular. tanad23. You need to submit a resume and it’s highly competitive, taking your CS 136/146 marks into account most heavily (at least that was the case in 208/19). I have a 97% average and did not get Waterloo CS. I also didn’t realize how much math a CS degree in UWaterloo required. Math (Calc and algebra) might be hard if you don't enjoy it or aren't great at it, but definitely high 70 to low 80-able. transferring from math co-op to cs co-op is not hard at all since it's an internal transfer. You're not restricted to a certain sequence of school and work semesters. easiest way to get into any program is if u get 100% in The Reddit LSAT Forum. Engineering is very difficult. The occasional more difficult course would be balanced by the easy 90+ (4. Laurier cs is a joke, go to uoft if you can't get into waterloo. Your job prospects and career potential out of Waterloo CS co-op is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than anything you could get out of an MBA degree. I came from 0 coding experience and 1B and 2A were quite painful. Waterloo is a top industry placement school mostly because its students are forced to take so many co-op/internships. skatertomato1. UCLA and USC are a little bit higher on CS rankings, but what Waterloo really gets me is Math + CS program of Waterloo is considered better but overall you won’t go wrong either way. If your experience is related to some Industry placement yes, everything else no. There is no 4. Even if you can't transfer, it isn't the end of the world, there are lots of cool things to study in the faculty; and you'll be able to get a cs job if you have the experience. you should ask the grad school admin since 75 average is the bare minimum requirement, while mid 80s are actually competitive. Being in DD, you can drop either half of the degree and transfer in to single degree math or CS at any time. Only the top of the top students here get in which would be on par with some of the average students at MIT. 0 without undergrad research does not guarantee entry, so dont worry about gpa too much. 5 to 3. Just make sure don't screw up in first year. They have made it more competitive this year (you can't just get an 80 and get in). I'm an OSSD Grade12 student who wants to apply to CS in Waterloo and go to university in fall 2022. Not just in school either. With that being said remember to still enjoy your high school life. • 2 yr. I was thinking do you think there is any chance I can get transferred from either of these programs to Waterloo CS? I have an admission average of 91. Waterloo Cs = Geomatics. UW math 100%. Don't expect high school math grades to be any sort of reflection as to how easy or hard you will find the math courses at Waterloo. Patient_Status1190. However cs was a different beast last year. I want to go into the Honours Arts and Business program. It's virtually impossible. you'll need 70% average in your math/cs courses. majors) and was wondering how hard it is to get into these programs. laurier side is easier to get in, but you will not have waterloo coop. - Have over 500 volunteer hours. Another couple of my friends with 3. You're a lock to get in. So if I chose to transfer to Waterloo, I would only get the first $20,000, which was equivalent to half of my first-year tuition in ubc. I honestly don't think I will be happy anywhere else. Take it from me who had a 98. Specifically speaking, I suggest stuff like student council, leadership conferences, Me to We, DECA, model UN, et cetera. Procrumpets22. For example if you want to do software dev, you can do so. Waterloo alumni here (engineering, not CS). I got deferred to Geomatics. This is false. Remind us in a few years if you are happy in Waterloo. plus you have to write their math and code test/competitions. Advanced Functions (taken 3 times) recent attempt in private school- 97% - midterm. Does Waterloo only look at 12th grade or do they look at 11th grade as well if you take some pre-req courses (ex. Thanks. (If you fail a course, even a elective, you are highly impossible to transfer in, but WD is fine). pretty tough ngl, as a fellow internationl and cs deferred, i have met so a lot of cs deferred with perfect scores and impressive extracurriculars. If you want a good business career do western Ivey. After graduating CS and seeing 2/5 (40%) of my close friends dropped out of the program because that's pretty much par for the program. I joined by emailing the prof and having him waive the missing prereqs. Award. To switch to math majors, you must acquire 3 uni level math/CS courses and have "strong grades" (likely 80-85+). My ACT/SAT are in the 97th percentile. Physics HL - 6. Regardless though getting in is pretty tough- my friend with a 33 ACT and 3. u need diligence if u want to do cs grad school anyways. Take cs135,136 coming. you will get better at learning and cramming work but if you can’t survive 136, it is not a good Hey! I was recently admitted to honours mathematics with co-op but deferred from cs. Grades are a bit on the lower side, but honors/college courses for all and very competitive. That 40k was enough of a reason for me to go to Laurier, but if your parents are paying for school that might be less of a consideration for you. Both schools are good and locally recognized for their fields and co-op opportunities are even better. I also got into UTSG CS and they're offering me a $100k to be a Schulich Leader. , a 91 is a 91, a 99 is a 99, they don’t convert them to 4. CS at Waterloo is not too difficult to get into. Extremely hard. I'd estimate ~95% entrance average for both programs this year, and around 10% of applicants accepted. Pros: Co-op. You can probably apply for post-degree studies and take the core cs courses. Your case would be very strange, and 100% you would have to talk to an academic advisor. Do Waterloo math contests to bolster your application. Cs 135, the introductory cs course in the 1A term is designed so that having prior programming experience is not that much of an advantage. 13. Say I Even if you get a 98 in calc, it wont even make a difference. That's definitely wrong. However, if you just say "oh it's real hard" and just try to pass, you'll wind up unemployable with a 60% average and an empty resume. My assessment was that CS is hard because it is in depth but less work, CE is hard because you have so much work to do, but teaches at a more shallow depth. You would be competing with incoming high school students AND other transfer applicants. Hi UWaterloo, I really wanted to go into waterloo cs program however I was rejected with a 91avg while my friend with a 93avg got in (maybe it's because of my calc and chem marks which are in the 80s idk). ADMIN MOD. The final subject will be finished in October and the grade may not be under 95 (Chemistry). It is however not there for academic CS (so if PhD in CS is your goal, it's a great school but there are quite more better options). Instead, in high school I took all 3 maths, and for my first year course Waterloo has been home to a great many top tier startups, the program and community is much more robust than the joke of a program (in comparison) Western CS is. waterloo cs: i like how it seems like a safer option, and people go to co-op make a lot of money after graduation. However, UCLA and USC are both highly regarded in terms of reputation, academics, and student life. Source: got rejected from uw cs, got into bcs/bba from Wlu side -> took the offer. I got mid 80s and high 70s even though I'm hot garbage at math. Waterloo probably won't give you coop, but Laurier based DD is less competitive than regular CS or Waterloo based DD. it is much harder as an international Reply Tight-Following2419 • A couple of my friends make around the same amount, but had 3. For me the choice came down to the the weather. You have to work. Especially during covid. but if you got into CS in the first place, you must be at minimum pretty smart already, and so is everyone else in your classes. If you got into carleton AI stream I would do that. If I actually get into Waterloo, should I be worried about the level of the math that you have to take? I don’t mind the fact that CS naturally involves a lot of math, but if all of the required math courses are as difficult as mine currently is, I’m worried that I’ll have to spend all of my time studying for them and not get to enjoy I transferred from first year McMaster CS to Waterloo CS in 2020. The earliest you can apply is in your 1B term, during which most math students will be taking CS 136. 35/hr remote cali. Laurier BBA is like 90-95. 9+ GPA. Just try your best and I'm sure you will end up at a great school whether its Waterloo or not. your peers are going to be your biggest resource if you want to shortcut your way through your courses. Going to a specific school for undergrad really doesn’t change anything in-terms of employment. At the end of grade 12, I got the following grades: Computer Science HL - 7. Do as many extracurriculars that you actually find enjoyable, regardless of what they are. Submit an online application. 80s are definitely doable. 5, tons of leadership roles and diverse ECs, and still didn't get in. Any ideas whether it's still worth going to? My other option is UofT St. As such, the material isn't that much harder, but you need to learn it fast . Transferring from geomatics to CS is very difficult and there’s a high probability that you either get stuck in geomatics or math along the way. How hard is it to get into the CS Co-Op program at University of Waterloo with A-Level results? Admissions So let's say if I can get A* in Maths and at least A in 3 - 4 other AS subjects and at least A in 2 - 3 other A2 subjects, is my chance of getting into the program high? ChocAuLait. If you want you can PM me for questions. Personally i would root for waterloo math as it is a very versatile program. Although I do think getting into Waterloo CS is easier than getting in UBC CS U don't need a 99 average with god like EC to get into all eng, comp eng is going to be on the higher end, but i've talked with many people who got accepted into engs like management, civil, or environmental with sub 95 top 6. In fact, it is more competitive. g. if you want to do business and CS, you should look at the Laurier (BBA) and Waterloo (BCS) dual degree program. I would apply to something like Computer Engineering or Systems Design engineering since they are easier to get into. true. Transferring to CS is extremely competitive even for Math students. Probably CS/BBA but not by much. CS 145, as opposed to the advanced maths, is more about going faster than going further in-depth. - 103% average with calculus at 110% and advanced functions at 123% and English needs to be at 102% to prevent fobs from coming into the program. Otherwise, if you are considering a career in software engineering, then Waterloo CS or SE seems to be the better option, which is debatable IF you are able to get internships on your own. If you can get 60% at Waterloo or UofT's engineering, you can easily get 90% at other universities' engineering, including McMaster's engineering because their courses are so much easier than Waterloo and UofT's engineering. CS is hard to get into, but software engineering is even harder, so it's unlikely to be rejected in CS but accepted for SE. it also has to do with your adjusted average since Waterloo eng uses alumni from ur HS to basically calculate the level UW is a top ten university in Canada. qg id ph ob wm ek fr rm nh rr