Very dry cm before bfp. I usually have lotiony CM befor AF.

  • Very dry cm before bfp. I couldn't get enough water, and drank over 100 ounces.
    M briefly. 1dpo - cloudy cm which stretches, negative OPK, cramps. I'm someone with little to no cm in general so it didn't surprise me. Jan 12, 2022 · Hi Normally after ovulation I am dry. I would say try to relax and ignore all the signs and symptoms before you actually get a bfp or miss your period cause while you are trying you might get all sorts of symptoms that are not related to pregnancy necessarily and might be your body’s reaction to Dec 20, 2021 · This is so interesting… I’m breast feeding my Feb 2021 baby (ten months old) and haven’t had a pp period yet, but I had what I thought was ovulation about 11 days ago (because of EWCM), however I’ve had it again the past couple of days. Jul 7, 2019 · I'm in the same boat right now. I’ve read forums from ladies saying you tend to dry up right before AF and have tons of discharge if you’re pregnant. You're not fertile: Day 10 to 12: Generally sticky and cloudy. Jul 27, 2023 · Hey everyone. Normally, my AF comes in immediately - strong and heavy with heavy Feb 13, 2014 · Is I'm having that right now which makes me think I'm out (I read that the first thing our uterine lining loses is water and that's why we have that really wet feeling thinking Aunt Flo has arrived only to find she hasn't yet)So my question today is - has anyone has that really wet feeling right before Just wanted to see what other's get and some opinions. My bfp came -ve on 5th 6th dpo now waiting for the period to come on 23rd jan 16. My cheeks and chest are flushed. w Jul 16, 2019 · First cycle on Clomid, and so weird thought it'd dry you up, but I got EWCM CD19 and CD22 not sure when I ovulated but certainly hope it's before now! I never noticed it before so definitely hoping for the best, waiting til Tuesday. Trying to hold Jan 9, 2015 · 8dpo: watery/cloudy cm; +appetite; BB feel huge, swollen, very round and tender; chills in night; lower right (just across from hip bone) pulsating pain then a stabbing feeling on left side; throat slightly sore again; noticed almost a rash looking patch on chest; having trouble sleeping – felt restless; itchy chest and belly; acne ***looking Jul 24, 2023 · Anyway, I’m currently 10dpo with a regular 27-28 day cycle. Very tired the past few days but unable to sleep well at night which is unusual for me! Lots of twinges down there (maybe that was bean implanting?) peeing in the middle of the night nausea when eating meat! Feb 23, 2012 · I took it 5 days before, then 4 days before, then 3 days before, etc. I’m maybe 11-12 dpo tested yesterday but got a bfn this ewcm is subtle but I’ve had it for maybe 3-4 days Oct 13, 2023 · I know you can’t feel pregnancy symptoms before a positive test but with my last two pregnancies (both early losses, however), I swear the night before a positive, I had mild nausea. Symptoms so far were yellow creamy cm since 3dpo. (Lots of bathroom trips as a result. Took a nap early afternoon (weird again). Other than that I didn’t notice a difference until a couple days after my BFP and since then it had been clear and watery. I didn’t notice a change with DD and last month with my chemical I had TONS of creamy CM for the 4 days leading up to my BFP. By the time i was 4 weeks it was insane. I had a dream about trying to protect baby animals. I'm not sure if the watery CM that cycle was indicative that my pregnancy was inviable or if it's possible that my CM will feel the same before BFP as it usually Normally have a ton of cm right before AF so having little to no cm is definitely a pregnancy sign for me. Very tmi i know but i thought it best to keep u informed . i'm currently about 5-6 dpo and seem to have an increased amount ranging from EWCM to thick white discharge sorry TMI! Oct 17, 2012 · Oh this sounds fun! I am 32 (DH 31), this is our 6th cycle TTC #1. Normally I remain dry just before period but this time I feel bit different. Two days ago I had a huge increase of lotion like cm. Jan 18, 2019 · Yes got a 9dpo BFP on FRER myself on IVF 4 and IVF 5, confirmed with a blood HCG of 21 so likely implanted 8dpo. This cycle I took: Prenatals (since Jan 2012), EPO from CD1 - CD15, B50 Complex from CD4 - present, Drank grapefruit juice from Jan 21, 2015 · Hi ladies ,just trying to pass some time in this tww and thought I'd ask a question, Has anyone been dry during their tww when normally they have creamy cm, and ended up getting a bfp? I'm currently 7dpo, and have been very dry, with crumbly, clumpy cm when checking internally since the day after O. Jan 10, 2016 · I am low and hard and have had dry CM (almost toilet paper looking) and got a BFP today. 02 C) CM: Dry, glob of after we collided; after film; after school; May 17, 2021 — CM after Ovulation before BFP!! Overall during the luteal phase experiencing this symptom decreases the probability of pregnancy. Most people CM will have creamy/sticky after ovulation ending in a BFP or BFN. Semi-fertile: Day 13 to 15: Egg white mucus, usually clear, stretchy and thin. May 23, 2018 · Every month, I get very watery white CM before AF comes, 2-3 days before. " Oct 20, 2010 · My hormone levels go through the rough. I still have a little of what I would call discoloured CM, slightly yellowy brown as if tinged by blood but really nothing major. Nothing. All rights reserved. I never saw fertile CM - EW or watery in either TWW or really at all. Felt nauseus all day and tested . EXTREME tiredness . Did anyone notice this before they got a BFP? Aug 4, 2009 · Hi Ladies, I just wanted to tell you that I got my BFP on 14DPO after having brown and sometimes pale pink streaked CM, not very much, but it lasted about 3-4 days (10-14 DPO). No egg white anything. 30pm, headache, thirsty, emotional, dry cm, backache Oct 27, 2011 · One of my early signs has been very itchy nipples. Sep 16, 2018 · Just got my BFP tonight at 10Dpo on a Walmart equate test. anyone know if that is a bad sign or if it is normal? any help is welcomed! Nov 22, 2014 · Hi ladies! Question for those who have had BFPs before. Between 1-4dpo my cm was creamy white then its gradually turned very watery. Even when ttc I had to use pre-seed since I needed lube but didn't want to hurt the sperm. But this is the first time after ovulation I started having big globs of cm as mentioned below 5 dpo - wet 6 dpo watery… Apr 28, 2024 · I’ve read through sooooo many forums since having my first baby in 2020. Dec 1, 2016 · Most popular School uniform sales 2024: best ones here New Boots Baby Event 2024 is back for summer, save here MAM Move Wearable Breast Pump review Win a city minibreak with Avanti West Coast Shop at Lovehoney to donate 10% to Macmillan Lumity supplements help combat fatigue Head to the National Gallery this summer for free event Apr 21, 2016 · I have soft cervix high up, white cm, tender breast and nips had a little nausea the other night, plus I might have implanted night of 5 dpo possibly. and hard, real hard. My cm since bfp tends to be watery white but not like an every day thing! Jan 12, 2014 · I was very dry after IBing 8-10dpo. So if you do "dry up" (*voms*) it doesn't mean you're out! At 8 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. I was pretty dry 7-8 DPO just a small amoumt of creamy. Are you testing in the am? I've heard a lot of women get yellow cm before a BFP. to test, hubby wants me to wait even longer. but does that usually happen later on in pregnancy (after you get… Jun 16, 2021 · Yesterday morning (11DPO) I got very light brown stringy discharge mixed with a lot of CM, which has continued over to today intermittently. I usually get lots of creamy before af arrives… Jan 17, 2018 · CM Before BFP?! 10 replies beckymad1x · 17/01/2018 12:07 What was your CM like before you got your BFP? I was also very dry in my last pregnancy. Jan 22, 2015 · I'm almost 6w now and Honestly mine wasn't significantly different when got bfp. just didn't dry up as tend to do but not copious amts like I'd read others had. lower abdominal cramps and my heartbeat felt off on day 6. But not when I got my BFP! My BFP story says I was exhausted and had an achy back, but I'm not sure I actually was. Sticky and creamy cm. This cycle I got a BFP and although I had a wet feeling my cm was actually quite creamy and white. Mouth very dry. Partner and I DTD every other day during my fertile window and on the day I ovulated too. It had dried up a few days before and nickers wre almost bone dry. Can you tell me what your cm was like in your tww before your bfp??? Dec 9, 2020 · Yes its horrible symptom spotting . Very odd for me. I think they say that the creamy cm doesn't always start to appear right away At 4 DPO, it's a bit too early to expect a positive pregnancy test result. 9dpo faint bfp on easy Dec 21, 2009 · Ive heard it just depends on the Person. Jun 28, 2010 · I have heard many women say that pregnancy causes most women to have more CM than usual. But they were singles. I tested early this morning with a CBE Digital and it was a 'Not Pregnant,' ouch. 1 - 4 DPO - weird crampy feeling, feeling warm, my belly was hot to touch, dizzy when getting up and OMG I was exhausted! sleepng all the time. For all the beautiful ladies out there, have you experienced dry CM with a BFP?! Sep 8, 2018 · The only thing I noticed was 1 day during my 2ww I had 1 day where I had a small amount of EWCM. 10dpo- the watery cm came back , tested got a bfn, noticed cervix was lower than the last time I checked. Hoping + May 3, 2016 · Normally before AF my CM dries up and disappears. I had snotty cm a few days before my bfp =) I never had ewcm, and after ttc for 3months found it weird that I had this snotty stuff on the 4th month. Mar 31, 2020 · Hey everyone. I got my bfp at 9dpo. It’s been slightly watery at best but other than that nothing. If you implant 6dpo which is very rare and very early it takes a while for your levels to rise slowly so it's not likely symptoms would show until HCG was higher. This is what I still currently have most of the time. Another temp rise this morning but I did turn the heat on a little because I was freezing last night. Today was like a hoop of ew and creamy mixed together, that was stretchy and yellow. 8 dpo this is very strange for me. I was wondering whether anyone ever had little CM before  BFP. So I guess it’s possible I had very faint positives those evenings. Very fertile: Day 16 to 21: Gradually changes from cloudy to wet to thick and sticky. You've made the decision and you are actively trying to conceive. but Apr 23, 2019 · When MadeForMums Community member Michelle discovered she was pregnant – very early on – dry mouth was one of the many symptoms she experienced. It didn't show up as a + until a few days after missed period. 14 DPO: Got my BFP this morning! Very faint but it was there on 2 tests! Right breast is still much bigger than left. Nov 22, 2014 · Hi ladies! Question for those who have had BFPs before. but I want to know if anyone had been completely dry during the TWW and still got their BFP Are there any pregnancy symptoms at 13 DPO? Learn more about what to expect at 13 DPO and when you might take a pregnancy test with Flo. I’m maybe 11-12 dpo tested yesterday but got a bfn this ewcm is subtle but I’ve had it for maybe 3-4 days Oct 1, 2015 · Ladies what type of cm do you get before a BFP. I have experienced weird symptoms this past week. Nipples a tiny tiny bit sensative and they’re still tingling here and there. Quote Dec 2, 2015 · After I ovulated, (seriously, the day after!) I was severely dry. Aug 23, 2011 · But I had dry cm and spotting throughtout my 2 ww before getting the BFP. Jan 11, 2014 · In the month I got my BFP, I was actually lamenting how I didn't have any CM at all it started to get heavier after 7 or 8 weeks for me and has remained sort of snotty (tmi!). Feb 4, 2020 · Hi ladies! I’m stressing and researching stuff online like a maniac! I need your help. Like loads, I keep thinking AF is starting but just CM. I usually have lotiony CM befor AF. I am currently on dpo 9 of cycle 2 TTC. For my first two pregnancies they thought i was having twins. did anyone get a bfp after having very dry or very little cm during their 2ww? I know lots of people have said they've had creamy or watery cm but what about if there's just not very much cm at all? Sep 25, 2019 · Has anyone ever experience dry CM before getting a BFP? Currently on 8 DPO. Mar 13, 2021 · So just an update on my cm and cervix I had zero cm at 5dpo, very dry, cervix was low and hard, didn't hold out much hope, but 7dpo it changed, had some slight cm, was lotion like and cervix had shifted up, was softer and more closed. Anyone else experience this before getting a BFP?I Mar 26, 2018 · I also never used to get heartburn except when I was pregnant with my daughter. Sep 2, 2018 · Went dizzy 12 dpo - BFP!!! really faint but there! Tested again at work with a different brand BFP bit darker. no nausea but increased saliva. ChaseTheLight. I had a ton of CM throughout my first pregnancy especially in the first and third trimesters. I’ve seen a few posts about it so figured I could help y’all out if you were questioning yours. There is/was a thread on the 2ww) and about a week later I had a so good luck Jan 23, 2012 · It's common to get a dip in progesterone (that dries up the cm) before AF which can cause some watery or egcm after O. Since I write everything down here goes: 1-3 DPO- Nothing at all 4 DPO- Creamy white CM, Mild cramps, stuffy nose 5 DPO- Same as day before 6 DPO- Creamy/watery CM 7 DPO- BB's slightly tender, very emotional, vivid dreams 8 DPO- Insomnia 9 DPO- Same as day before 10 DPO- Spot reddish/brown once in the afternoon (BFN in AM) Dizziness in the A. The give away was frequent I read that watching CM after ovulation can help. I didn’t have any cervical mucus before bfp. My son is 6 months. Anyone else experienced this and got a bfp? Af due 1 week today. I’m 17 weeks now and it’s definitely getting heavier each week. I’m now 7DPO and am getting cervical mucus (white and lotion-like). It was the first sign of my pregnancy. Feb 5, 2018 · It definitely sounds like a good sign to me!! When I got pregnant with my second baby, I had a ton of CM (like how you’re describing) about a week after I ovulated it was really out of the ordinary, and I had a sneaky feeling that I was pregnant because of the CM I tested about 4-5 days later and got my BFP! I hope the same happens for you! Jan 4, 2021 · Luckily I kept track of my body this cycle so 11DPO I felt slight cramping, runny nose and sneezing, watery CM, headache and (pardon) frequent loose bowels. I usually have lotion texture CM before AF arrives. I personally didn’t experience this type prior when I was getting BFN I was more dry prior to AF arriving. Just wondering if anyone has experienced yellow thick CM before they got their BFP? I'm 9dpo and have never had CM like this before. vivid dreams several times. . Also I went to wipe and had a random thick, yellow and stretchy CM but still dry in my panties. None. my mouth was very dry all of the time. 5% of women. 9dpo - BFN am feel like symptoms going away, bad feeling AF is just round the corner :( cramped stopped . I'm usually dry right before af. Just a few hours ago, got creamy cm. Everyone is different though! Good luck :) Aug 27, 2023 · Hi ladies, currently 4dpo and my cm looks like milky lotion and there is a lot of it. I also have NO symptoms. 3dpo - sticky cm, cramping, backache, sharp pains on left side, heartburn at night. Teeny x Sep 18, 2015 · It's very clear. I had first signs of ovulation already at CD 10 and the clear egg-white CM continued for several days, but I missed the peak Sep 23, 2015 · Anyone who has gotten a bfp recently, what was your cm like? I believe I'm 12 dpo I thought for sure af was showing her ugly face early but when I checked my cm was like a creamy lotion stretchy watery like feel lol that's the best way to explain haha. But since 8dpo i have been Great thread! I had a + OPK on 8th of Feb and I twinges on 9th so I am going with the 9th as my O date. going to try to wait another week before I test. I dunno of any relation to the watery cm after O before a BFP. Not fertile: Day 22 to 28: Sticky CM gradually changing to dry. May 28, 2013 · Ottomama, I got my BFP Sunday. Went up 2 cup sizes in the first month so I have been in Feb 4, 2024 · I had cm from ovulation until like 7dpo. May 20, 2019 · it’s not so much a cold but something called allergic rhinitis (congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat) that couples with the fatigue that occurs during the first trimester. All tests BFN so far. 20+ Similar Discussions Found Apr 17, 2024 · My cervix has not gone up yet it’s very low. First Pregnancy Symptoms Before BFP | Finding Out I Was I am 2 DPO And I am extremely dry. And I’m never nauseous. no CM whatsoever, very dry Jun 3, 2020 · 4dpo- nausea in the morning. Normally, I may have 1-2 dry days and then I Feb 4, 2020 · What was your CM right before getting a bfp? I have long cycles 35-38 days on average and today is CD 38. Thank you x Nov 4, 2017 · I’ve already read a million articles about how CM isn’t the best way to track pregnancy because it’s individual to each woman but I’m still interested in seeing if you ladies noticed a difference in your CM during early pregnancy rather than your normal CM in your regular cycle before AF shows. I did have a chemical a few months back and also had this symptom then. Watery and some yellow CM 13 dpo - BFP! Slightly darker, BB's tender, back ache, dizzy spell. I had a similar question a few days ago right before I got my BFP! :D I do know though that for me when Im PG, my CM is super thick, stretchy, and creamy-like, and lots of it! So I really think it mostly depends on the person, cos I know a lot of the other BFP ladies have thin, watery-like CM. But then the next day, I felt wet and couldn't figure it out. 9dpo- wasn’t as moody , not as hungry as the days before , tested got a bfn. Nov 6, 2020 · AF showed up for me so I can’t relate this month, and I didn’t notice much with my son, but I’ve heard there should be more cm around this time. Not sure if it is like that for everyone, but thats just what happened with me! Good luck! XOXO Feb 6, 2021 · Hi guys, I just wanted to open a thread to ask what your cm was like before you got your BFP or what it was like around 14DPO. I'm about 8-9dpo and usually I dry right up after O before AF but the past few days I've had runny watery clear CM. Jul 18, 2017 · The best way to know is by taking a pregnancy test. After ovulation I normally dry up until my period comes. Now that I'm nearing 12 weeks, I'm truly exhausted! I don't think I was this tired around the time of my BFP. Dry cervical mucus means that you are not able to conceive during this time before your period. I had a chemical in September and a miscarriage at 12 weeks in June so hoping this one goes well. 7 Dpo. 2 C (Adjusted from 6:30 temp 36. Feeling deflated. I normally have dry thick cm before my period. 12 dpo and have been super dry for the past 2 days which is not normal before AF. A lot twinges in my stomach. watery cm with white bits in it, strange and hadn't seen it before. 8dpo- bloated , cm kinda dry, my cervix was getting harder. ) Very tired. watery cm my last cycle appeared a day or two before af. May 22, 2017 · Hello ladies So just wondering. It's not really abundant, but noticeable in comparison to other cycles Feb 2, 2013 · CM before BFP? Thread starter Nazz4; Start date Feb 2, 2013; Forums Feb 21, 2021 · Me! I had no extra CM prior to my BFP. i got a (very) faint positive today on a FRER. Dec 29, 2017 · No, you don't. Trina Pagano mentioned earlier says that you usually have a dry vagina in the 7 days before your period. Had like 3 vowel movements. We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. I am currently 12 dpo and have been getting bfn. Got a faint positive. 1 2 Jan 22, 2015 · I had tons of CM in the few days before my BFP with my son (he's now 4. Just got a bfp yesterday at around 11dpo. bfn are always so disheartening. Jan 6, 2009 · When i got my BFP i had no cm. Sinuses still blocked. Mine was dry right after ovulation . At this point in my first pregnancy I noticed a lot of discharge at 5-7dpo so I’m starting to lose hope. I am trying for my second child but cannot remember what my CM was like with baby number I had alot of wet watery CM 1dpo-5dpo (very unusual, always dry after O) then turned creamy 6dpo then back to watery on 7dpo. Ever. i just had a second miscarriage in late february and my hubby and i decided not to wait before trying again. lol. But I wouldn't say it is necessarily a symptom before a BFP. Had to rush to toilet, Diarrhea am. It's not really tacky, it's like lotion, similar to how cm goes between that thick cm after your AF and stretchy cm leading to ovulation. Jul 25, 2015 · I have to agree with pp. My period is due 9 February. Usually I would have creamy thick cm. Never experienced this before I'm normally just very dry after o. slightly open (granted I’ve had a baby before). I started having loads of it around 6dpo. The one and only time I had EWCM in the TWW it was the day before AF arrived. Af due on Thursday, and ive had no increase in cm, but for a few day ive had cramps and really bad heartburn, so im hoping those are good signs even without the cm? Feb 19, 2019 · I wanted to post a pic of the CM I experienced before my BFP. Which this a sign for me had this happen in a previous pregnancy. From a missed period to discharge and cramps, what are some of the early pregnancy symptoms? Continue reading to learn about the common signs of pregnancy. This was around 8ish DPO. at 10dpo I saw the faintest positive & 13dpo a clear BFP so you may be getting yours soon! :) good luck Advertisement a day or two before i got my bfp, i had a little blob of white cm. Me personally, I had the discharge with my son, and was dry this time around. but somethings seems different this month, my boobs not hurting is very unusual. 2dpo - cramping overnight, backache, woke up with headache. Getting some aches and a prickly nipple! Very irritable today - big fight with DH during our celebration meal! Skin is still super clear. I am 9dpo with a negative test and DRY CM Am I out?When did cm increase for Everyone? Anyone dry like me at 9dpo end up w a BFP?! Aug 13, 2023 · Dry cm. 11dpo- a lot of cm , it was weird because it felt watery but seemed dry . I’m 14DPO. Watery CM with some yellow. I noticed this CM has more of a yellow Jan 11, 2022 · I am 6/7 dpo and CM is very dry / nonexistent. I now have our Sept 2020 baby, a Nov 2021, and Nov 2023 baby (and potentially a Jan 2025 baby now too )I started testing really early with my 2023 baby because I had already had two babies by then and I’m very in tune with my Dec 4, 2014 · I have noticed very watery cm for the last couple days. That's not Nov 26, 2017 · Before my BFP around these days I had very constant watery discharge, I had never had anything like it before and I knew something was up!! Sorry for TMI but I felt quite "wet" down there as there was quite a lot of watery discharge! I had never experienced this before especially in the weeks before my period as I normally felt quite dry. 12 dpo - emotional in am, darker BFP. 5yo) and now 9w2d pregnant with #2 and I was 100% dry until 7 weeks! You can't really rely on CM for clues, it can go either way :) Sharp twinges in lower belly but could be due to gas and bloating? Lots of watery CM today. 14 dpo - BFP! Still not colour of control line but Oct 24, 2011 · I am 10dpo today, tested this morningbfn, not feeling so hopeful as any symptoms I had are gone now Here is a list of my "symptoms" day by day: ~My symptoms~ 1 dpo - mild cramps, low backache, very tired 2 dpo - mild cramps, low backache, tired, small amount of white creamy CM 3 dpo - white creamy cm, weird achy feeling off and on in bbs, eating more than usual 4 dpo - very faint achy Nov 11, 2012 · Hi i just wondered if anyone got a bfp with no cm, ive noticed lots of posts off people with increased cm before their bfp. Hasn't shown her face so far. Experiencing as of now: bloating, gas, dry cm, and waking up in the middle of the night to pee. The day AF was due, during the 2WW I had the exact description of your cm and it is still continuing. Hope this is your month!! X Aug 30, 2023 · yellow snot like CM after ovulation before BFP? - BabyCenter Canada Cm before bfp? - Netmums I could sniff out a chinese takeaway two streets away! wow! With my cycles I tend to get thick white cm for a few days after O then it just goes sticky and scant up until a few days before AF is due then I get EWCM type mucous but much less scant than CD 51: BBT: 36. I went to bed at 6pm last night. No cramps, period due in 3 days. Sep 30, 2012 · Has anyone had dry cm Two days before af and gotten a bfp? Apr 9, 2020 · 30/3 - O day - bad lower back pain, cramps, watery cm. Nov 15, 2020 · cramping since 5dpo, bloating, some pink tinged cm a couple times (during cervical checkswas super dry), nausea, cravings, etc. 4dpo - night sweats, fell asleep at 8. However, no sign of AF yet (usually there is), cervix is still tucked up high, temp consistently up for almost a week and a half I've had CM since 1-2 DPO, and it has become very watery Dec 22, 2015 · After O in a "textbook" pattern, we would be dry before AF and have creamy CM before a BFP. Sep 23, 2015 · It's weird for me cause I'm usually pretty dry right before af so I'm holding a little hope it's a sign of my bfp coming in a couple days lol and not just a trick and af will show her ugly face. Has anyone had little to no CM after ovulation and still gotten a BFP? Sep 6, 2014 · Just wondering what peoples cm (cervical mucus) looked like after ovulation and before their BFP. Does your cm dry up after Ovulation and before AF comes? I go dry pretty quickly after ovulation. Learn more about what to expect at 12 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. I almost always have CM after I ovulate all the way up until AF, but this month I’ve been almost completely dry since ovulation with is VERY unusual for me. For 84% of women, implantation occurred between 8 – 10 DPO. When I went to the bathroom, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but when I felt around in there, I had something similar to EWCM, but not exactly. Sep 12, 2013 · Did you have lots of severe cramping before BFP? Did you have lots of CM or very dry? I am still waiting on AF and getting BFNs I have been cramping pretty… At 12 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. Learn more about what to expect at 8 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. I ovulated 13 day of cycle had did the deed the day before ovulation. I’ve been getting it every cycle for the last 4-5 months after ovulation and always think it could be a sign but my doctor said it’s probably just from increasing progesterone. Cm very dry today and kind of creamy. Also no smell or itchiness so I'm certain it's not an infection. Mar 9, 2018 · Dry cervical mucus before period. I've read almost everyone say they had very dry and scant cm… Mar 4, 2016 · Hey there! Just got a bfp this morning at 9dpo. I had very early symptoms with my son. Period symptoms and BFP symptoms are very similar. I have been getting BFN's on FRER's since 12DPO, but as I remember correctly, I didn't get a positive with my son until I was 19DPO, so I think my HCG rises very slowly. Feeling a bit sick but not sure if it's anxiety. CM can vary from person to person. Felt very very light cramping during the day. it was very stretchy like ewcm, but instead of being clear and slippery , it was of thick, dry, and sticky--yuck! i had never had cm like that before. Jan 4, 2020 · Hi ladies, I just wanted to know what everyone's CM was like before they got their BFP? I've seen lots of comments talking about lots or creamy CM etc. Okay, sounds promising to me! 😅 I'm feeling very strange this cycle. Today it’s super May 16, 2011 · Okay ladies, AF is due today. i am so super dry i am almost itchy. But since most of us aren't textbook, CM patterns really just can't tell us anything with any certainty. Jan 22, 2020 · 7dpo- dry cm , still hungry. Mar 11, 2024 · Every month, I get very watery white CM before AF comes, 2-3 days before. A lot of women do experience more CM during pregnancy, but the presence of CM does not mean you are pregnant. I actually was dry my entire pregnancy ‍♀️ everyone is different & I would trust a pregnancy test before I obsessed over symptoms! The hcg levels are so low at the very beginning & many women don’t have any symptoms at all! Apr 10, 2020 · I'm 7dpo. Nov 11, 2023 · I actually had a fair amount of brown discharge before my BFP and for a week or so after. SOOOO thirsty. I too am getting watery discharge for last few days monitoring temperature regularly. 5dpo- backache, nausea and very dry cm, which not normal for me. So symptoms: 1dpo - nothing 2dpo - nothing 3dpo - cramping, lotion like cm, stuffy nose 4dpo - strong cramping, tiredness, increased appetite, headache, stuffy nose lotion cm 5dpo - as above but add sore throat and major headache 6dpo - strange sore feeling mouth and gums, strong cramping May 22, 2011 · That is exactly how mine is today! In the afternoon. i feel pregnant but i am worried about how dry my cm is. I only noticed increased discharge from 6 weeks or so onwards, and it was quite similar to the CM I got before ovulation but more yellowy in colour. If there was anything there it was a bit crusty. I am having a lot of what i think is ewcm well similar anyway. I'm not sure if the watery CM that cycle was indicative that my pregnancy was inviable or if it's Nov 17, 2009 · Before my bfp, I got dry. Learn more about what to expect at 4 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. I was 16dpo yesterday 1/11/14 & AF was due. Jul 3, 2014 · After that, I got white watery CM that turned into greasy/lotiony yellow-white CM. This isn't normal for me but I'm very early after ovulation. I wouldn't use cm as a necessary symptom since all pregnancies and all women are different. Im 9dpo today. Dec 27, 2016 · Drying up? Heartburn still very often. If I’m not Preggo I think I’m going to quit using tampons lol. (I am now having twins). I just tested last night and got a bfp. Dec 7, 2014 · 4po = very mild cramping, weird fluttering sensations, had what almost felt like a bubble or vibration for 10 seconds 5dpo-10dpo = very sore nipples only, usually get sore breasts all over a week before Af 14dpo= EWCM which I don't get right before Af, af style cramping Dec 14, 2012 · With my recent BFP, I was off and on creamy and dry. Not fertile (approaching period) Jan 19, 2019 · Yes, this happened to me a week ago and sadly it ended up being a chemical pregnancy (miscarriage/bleeding 5 weeks 2 days). hahaha. The EWCM was actually my first clue that something was different that cycle since normally I totally dry up after ovulation and I did dry up as usual besides implantation spotting with my first healthy term pregnancy. "I had headaches, really spotty skin, low, mild period-like pain, restless sleep, dry mouth, hot flushes, tiredness, crying all the time, sore boobs and major bloatedness. Its just the normal type that happens after ovulation. May 20, 2011 · LOADS of creamy CM and I'm normally dry during my LP. Oct 27, 2021 · With my first (son), I had creamy CM between ovulation and the bfp at 12dpo. I have had stretchy cm the past couple of days. BUT I only ever test in the morning with my pregnancy tests. Just looking for some reassurance! I'm about 7dpo and had a huge gush of watery cm last night. My symptoms at 7dpo where as follows . Just days before af I get very creamy cm but like I said normally at this point I stay quite dry This ttc is so confusing Dec 24, 2017 · Dry and sticky CM. So, yes, it's totally possible. I haven't noticed much white cm if I do it's has a yellowish tint to it. Sometimes, dry cervical mucus refers to thick sticky discharge about a week or so before your period, and Dr. I had creamy, sticky CM up until around 8 dpo when I think I implanted, then it got watery/clear and I ended up getting a faint line at 11dpo and a clear positive the next day. Oday – cramps. Anyone else experience this before getting a BFP?I 7DPO: The pinching is over. Posted 08-28-15. I couldn't get enough water, and drank over 100 ounces. this is month 6 ttc so I'm really ready for my bfp! My CM seems to be drying up and I am having wierd cramping/poking sensation right in the middle of my belly. i have been using easy@home and it had a shadow (almost impossible to see) this morning then a pink line in the evening. I am having lots of creamy white CM and normally… Once you get a BFP, you can say it might be symptom. Still had back ache in lower part, BB's slightly more tender. Since today I have had a lot less/ dry CMI am going to start early testing today or tomorrow. Hopefully OP implanted on day 6 and her symptoms are from the BFP I had a LOT of CM before my BFP! Usually I dried up after O-ing. Im 11dpo today and the past few days its like im ovulating again almost there is so much CM, DH even commented during BD asking if it was the fertile window again lmao. Wasn't worth the extra $ for the early tests. I also have had no CM. Anyone have stretchy cm before BFP? Feb 1, 2020 · I ovulated on 25 January (lots of cm and Flo app predicted ovulation around this day also). Feb 8, 2022 · Jumping in here cause im always curious lol! I am the exact opposite this cycle, usually I "dry up" after O and until AF shows. As tan77 said it can happen due to high estrogen but still waiting. then I waited an hr and used a frer, same result! Dec 3, 2015 · 9DPO feeling super moist when doing my cm cp check. 10 dpo - BFP!!! 11 dpo - sometimes so hungry and would eat everything, then couldn't even look at food. What was your CM right before getting a bfp? I have long cycles 35-38 days on average and today is CD 38. Jun 27, 2022 · That happened to me. The last 2 months i have been pregnant (Ending in early miscarriages) and I had lots of EWCM before the BFP both times! It became sticky for O and stayed that way the entire time I was pregnant. Still dreaming, still waking up early. Last pregnancy my chest was my biggest trigger. Otherwise, you are just letting your thoughts and symptoms run you. I was mostly dry after ovulation with occasionally small amounts of sticky CM. I think over the last year iv had every symptom in the baby book and af still arrives :( so frustrating. 14 You might have noticed some changes to your cervical mucus recently, but what type of cervical mucus is normal during pregnancy? Read on to find out. No CM, got positive 10 dpo, very faint though. If I remember right, it was a few days before i had implantation cramping. No spotting or pink tint. GL to you! Jan 4, 2015 · It's too hard to wait. I have never in my life been this dry after ovulation. Jan 21, 2020 · According to a 1999 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, implantation can occur as early as 6 DPO, but this was very rare—less than 0. Cervical fluid . xhlnu ggt gufzm ygba mwoqqcv exhyr otpbw npb tqevgc ocjp